Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The day we were landscaping

On our visit to the Abott Hall Art Gallery in Kendal some of the group had particularly admired on picture though none of us can remember the artists name! It was a sea view with a town in the foreground. The artists had first created a wash then worked rough blocks of colour to define the various elements. Then they had used pen to draw straight lines to define the outlines of the main shapes and details. They had then worked more in colours to define the detail. The way the wartercolour and pen were built up in layers produced a really effective image that stood out. Of course we had to have a go.

Using watercolours and basing our pictures on photographs we first blocked out the main sections. After this was dry we used marker pens to draw in the main details. Then another layer of colour and finally the finishing touches in pen. Some did more layers than others.

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